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Building an Online Course with Jacques Hopkins
Episode 235

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Key insights center around creating sustainable income through online courses, particularly the success story of Jacques Hopkins, who generated $1.7 million by teaching piano in 21 days. The conversation emphasizes how individuals can leverage existing skills and interests to build passive income streams while overcoming limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Jacques illustrates how he transitioned from a stable engineering career to entrepreneurship by using online platforms and fostering a relatable brand that appeals to beginners. The episode also discusses the importance of market feedback, iterative learning, and strategic marketing in transitioning from idea to implementation, making a strong case for the potential of online courses as a viable path to financial independence.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Monetizing Your Skills with Online Courses
Guest: Jacques Hopkins
Hosts: Jonathan Mendonsa & Brad Barrett

Episode Summary:
Creating a digital course can significantly boost income and contribute to financial independence. Jacques Hopkins shares how he generated $1.7 million from his course, "Piano in 21 Days." He emphasizes the importance of market feedback, persistence, and effective marketing strategies, urging listeners to leverage their skills for income. Jacques's journey exemplifies that financial independence is achievable through consistent effort and commitment to personal passions.

Key Topics & Timestamps:

  • Podcast Intro:
    Introduction to the show and financial independence.

  • Introduction to Digital Courses

    • Discussing the earnings vs. spending equation and focusing on increasing income via digital products.
  • Jacques' Journey

    • Jacques's background: From electrical engineer to piano instructor, generating significant revenue.
  • What is 'Piano in 21 Days'?

    • Overview of Jacques's course teaching piano quickly and efficiently.
  • Addressing Imposter Syndrome

    • Overcoming self-doubt and realizing the value of teaching piano based on personal experience.
  • Mistakes in Course Creation

    • Initial struggles and lessons learned during business ventures before finding success.
  • Key Strategies

    • Launching to a small audience and using feedback for course improvements.
  • Hard Work Pays Off

    • Success is not instant; it requires dedication and consistent effort.
  • Financial Freedom

    • How debt elimination allowed Jacques to take risks and invest in his course.
  • Building an Audience

    • Importance of developing a platform before creating a course; Jacques recommends starting with content on YouTube or other social media.
  • Turning Skills into Profit

    • Encouragement for listeners to consider their own skills and interests as potential courses.
  • Related Resources

    • Jacques's additional online course coaching and the importance of a supportive community.
  • Future Plans and Reflection

    • How Jacques plans to use his success for travel and family time, highlighting the benefits of financial independence.
  • Podcast Extro:
    Conclusion remarks from the hosts, encouraging continued exploration of personal interests for wealth building.

Key Quotes:

  • "Launch your course to a small audience to test the waters!"
  • "Success requires hard work over time."
  • "Financial freedom comes from eliminating debt."
  • "Build your audience before creating a course."
  • "Networking is key to online success."

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Create a digital course based on a skill you already have.
  • Utilize YouTube and social media to build your audience before launching.
  • Seek market feedback through surveys and direct outreach.
  • Consider pre-selling your course to gauge interest.
  • Focus on continuous improvement and adaptability.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What skills do you possess that could be turned into a course?
  2. How can you leverage social media to build an audience for your ideas?
  3. What are the biggest barriers you face when creating a digital course?

Resources Mentioned:

  • Piano in 21 Days: Website
  • The Online Course Show
  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: Link

Related Episodes:

  • [Episode 101: Finding Your Side Hustle Ideas]
    Discover ways to explore and monetize your passions.

Call to Action:
Subscribe to ChooseFI for more insights into achieving financial independence through innovative strategies and community support.

Unlocking Financial Independence Through Digital Course Creation

Introduction to Digital Courses

Creating a digital course can be a transformative pathway to financial independence and increased income. Many individuals possess unique skills and knowledge that can be packaged into valuable online courses, providing an opportunity for passive income while helping others learn something new. In this article, we'll explore actionable strategies to successfully create and market your digital course, drawing insights from entrepreneur Jacques Hopkins, who has successfully launched the "Piano in 21 Days" course.

Discover Your Skill and Value Proposition

Identify Your Skills

To begin your journey, reflect on your existing skills and passions. Ask yourself:

  • What knowledge do I have that others might find valuable?
  • What expertise have I developed that I could teach easily?
  • What topics am I passionate about, and how can I make them enjoyable for my students?

By pinpointing your unique skill set, you can start building a course that resonates with your audience.

Develop Your Value Proposition

Once you have identified your skill, ascertain your value proposition. This is the unique benefit your course offers and the transformation your students can expect. Clarify:

  • What will students achieve by the end of the course?
  • How is your approach different from others in the market?
  • What results have you achieved that lend credibility to your teaching?

Market Research and Audience Building

Conduct Market Research

Before developing your course, understanding your audience's needs is crucial. Use market research techniques like surveys or social media engagement to gather insights. These can help you determine:

  • What your target audience struggles with regarding your skill.
  • The format and content they prefer for learning (videos, written materials, live sessions).
  • Pricing sensitivities and willingness to invest in your course.

Start Building an Audience

Before launching your course, focus on growing an audience that trusts you. Utilize platforms like YouTube and social media to share content related to your expertise. Jacques Hopkins started by creating piano tutorials, which allowed him to build rapport with potential students. Here’s how you can establish your audience:

  • Create engaging and informative content that showcases your expertise.
  • Encourage feedback and interaction to understand your audience better.
  • Use email marketing to build a list and keep your audience updated on your journey.

Course Development and Launch

Create a Course Outline

Once you have built a solid audience, start outlining your course curriculum. Develop a clear structure and sequence that guides your students from the introductory concepts to advanced techniques. Consider:

  • What topics are essential to cover?
  • How will you break down each lesson for clarity and engagement?
  • What supplementary materials (quizzes, worksheets, etc.) will enhance the learning experience?

Launching Your Course

When it's time to launch, consider pre-selling your course. This not only generates initial income but also validates the market demand. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Build anticipation: Educate your audience about your upcoming course through teaser content and email campaigns.
  • Webinar: Host a free webinar where you provide valuable insights related to your course content, building trust and credibility with potential students.
  • Pre-selling: Offer your course at a discounted rate for early adopters. This allows you to adjust your course based on initial feedback.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Many aspiring course creators struggle with imposter syndrome, feeling unqualified or fearing their content won’t resonate. Overcoming these feelings is key to moving forward. Here are some tactics:

  • Start Small: Focus on teaching small pieces of content initially. Each success will build your confidence.
  • Highlight Your Journey: Share your own learning curve and how you’ve navigated challenges. This relatability helps connect with your audience.
  • Seek Feedback: Use early sales and student feedback to refine your course. Positive testimonials enhance your credibility.

Marketing Your Course

Utilize Digital Marketing Strategies

Effective marketing is essential for course sales. To reach a wider audience, consider these strategies:

  • SEO: Optimize your online content for search engines. Use relevant keywords to attract organic traffic.
  • Paid Advertising: Invest in targeted ads on platforms like Facebook or Google to reach a broader audience. This can lead to higher conversions.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Leverage relationships with other marketers to promote your course. This can expand your reach significantly.

Maximizing Student Engagement

Engaging students during and after course completion can lead to repeat business and referrals. Foster an active community by:

  • Creating forums or Facebook groups for students to discuss and share progress.
  • Offering one-on-one consultations or Q&A sessions.
  • Regularly updating course content based on student feedback and market demand.

Achieving Financial Independence

Pursuing online course creation can be incredibly fulfilling and provide a pathway to financial independence. Remember the following points:

  • Persistence is Key: Success in course creation is not instantaneous. Continue improving your skills and marketing tactics.
  • Focus on Growth: Aim for incremental improvements in your course and marketing efforts. Establish a habit of learning and adapting.
  • Enjoy Your Freedom: Financial independence allows you to design your life — prioritize what brings you joy and fulfillment.


Starting your journey to financial independence through digital course creation is an exciting and rewarding venture. By identifying your skills, conducting market research, and developing a robust audience, you can create a successful course that provides value to others. Remember, the path to financial independence is gradual, rewarding your consistent effort over time. Embrace the journey, learn continuously, and enjoy the freedoms that come with your success.

For more insights on course creation, check out Jacques Hopkins' “Piano in 21 Days,” and consider how your passions can turn into a lucrative online business.

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Jacques Hopkins

What You'll Get Out Of Today's Show

  • Take the skills you possess to create a course teaching something you love. Today's guest, Jacques Hopkins, has generated $1.7 million in revenue creating courses on topics he is both knowledgeable and passionate about.
  • Don't believe you need to be a world-class expert to teach a topic you're interested in. People are looking for people like themselves, who they can relate to, that are just a little more knowledgeable.
  • After reading the 4-Hour Work Week, Jacques was inspired to build a simple and automated online business.
  • After spending considerable time putting together a great course, Jacques discovered the key to attracting customers was in online marketing, but luck and building relationships with people have also been a huge part of his success.
  • Over the first few years his course was online, Jacques grew the business. He wanted to have the free time to continue growing the business. While it hadn't replaced his and his wife's incomes, they were able to quit their jobs due to a high savings rate and paying off their mortgage.
  • With a global audience, there is almost no limit to the number of people who could take his course. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, he was already well-positioned to take advantage of people's desire to learn something new while stuck at home.
  • For someone just starting, the first step is to create content for a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel and build an audience. Once a course has been developed, lead your audience to it with a sales funnel.
  • Don't record the course first. Come up with an outline considering how people will benefit from it, who the ideal student is, what their situation is, and what their transformation will look like.
  • One of Jacques's favorite ways to sell a course is with webinars where he can break down the barriers that prevent people from thinking they can do it.
  • Without knowing how to market and sell your course online, it doesn't matter how good it is. You have to learn the marketing side.
  • Jacques's online course brand is built around free content. He makes money through affiliate marketing.
  • Create a win-win scenario by pre-selling the course and offering a full refund to those who finish it and provide testimonials. Having those testimonials is far more valuable than whatever money made from selling it.

Resources Mentioned In Today's Conversation